Facebook Codes is a program that will add smileys, skins, styles and themes to your Facebook. This program provides direct access to the installation of required add-ons (like GreaseMonkey) and scripts, as well as web pages that contain the instructions to set up all these things on your Facebook account.
By installing Smileys you will be able to use codes like ":-)", and your friends that use Facebook Codes will see an image of a smiling face when they read the message that you've posted.
This program also gives access and instructions to installing skins in your Facebook, through an add-on for your browser (all popular browsers are supported), or a script that you can install manually. Or just use any of the nine available backgrounds to change the style of your Facebook page. It is also possible to install themes that will change your Facebook profile. Once you have the necessary add-ons installed, you can install any of the smilies, skins, styles or themes that the users of this tool have uploaded to the service´s webpage.